My name is Harry Palmer and I am a creatorist, attempting to allow the pulsations of life on planet earth fall into my being, process that which is upon my unpredictions, encountering the fellow energy and results of mixing with ourselves plus myselfs. As a self proclaimed Zen Punk, a Do-it-Yourself anarchist with a soft hammer, an Eccentric Archaeologist (now publishing The Eccentric City - The world's first dedicated eccentric tabloid newspaper
http://www.eccentriccity.co.uk/), here on this blog is my adhoc account of sorts of various things I have been doing and will continue to do albeit as a creatorist, non-dependent on industrialisation zones, best avoiding all possible places of commodification (some in which I have unfortunately slipped into from time to time like an earthquake or similar Act of Godessness), burnt by the tar of egos (and others' egos), exhausted by the prevailing insistence of machinary and monetaries (I have battled to moved on and moved on). Fuelled by a belief in intelligent creativitism, unconventional perhaps to some and unargumentative (art can be fun), spontaneous art in the moment, caputured and lost in medatative and psychic states, resonance, enchantments, non persona per se, a shift in all that is possible, oiled by what is yet to be - welcoming. I live in land where spelling mistakes are not critical and judgement not vital (the art of mistakes enjoyed and celebrated of course) - here on this blog I will open up and share that which is part of the whole incarnate ongoing in infinitumity. Peace, love, peace........